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Instagram Now Lets You ‘Flip’ Between Avatar and Profile Picture: How It Works

Instagram Now Lets You ‘Flip’ Between Avatar and Profile Picture: How It Works

Meta has recently rolled out a slew of new features for its widely-used apps, such as Instagram and WhatsApp. One of the latest updates is the introduction of a new feature, which allows users to have both an avatar and a traditional display picture on their Instagram profile. This means that when someone visits the user’s profile, they will be able to ‘flip’ between the avatar and the traditional display picture.

“Now you can add your avatar to the other side of your pic — and people who visit your profile can flip between the two,” Instagram said on Twitter.

New profile pic, who this?Now you can add your avatar to the other side of your pic — and people who visit your profile can flip between the two
- Instagram (@instagram) January 24, 2023

How to use the ‘Dynamic’ Profile Photo feature on Instagram?

If you have already made an avatar on other Meta platforms like Facebook or WhatsApp, you don’t need to create one for Instagram again, as it will show up in Instagram. All you need to do is-go to Edit Profile > Tap on your avatar > and turn on the toggle that says “Add to profile picture.”

But if you haven’t made an avatar yet, here’s how it’s done:

  • Open Instagram and open your profile.
  • Next, tap on Edit Profile.
  • Now, tap on Edit picture or avatar, and head to the second tab.
  • Tap Create avatar.
  • Choose your skin colour, clothing, hairstyle, face shape, etc.
  • Once you are done creating an avatar, Tap on your avatar > and turn on the toggle that says “Add to profile picture” to enable the new profile picture feature.
  • Now, people who come to visit your profile can flip between your profile picture and your avatar.

About the Author

Hii i am dhanjee rider a multitude of model like website designer, thumbnail designer,pro photo editor, seo expert, wp , blogger and android geek graphic designers and a video creater & editor, and website theme cloner and css magician ✨ chat wi…

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